01614083391 United Kingdom

  • 439 Number of views:
  • 22/10/2024 Last visit:
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    5 - Negative
  • 1 Number of comments:
  • 26/11/2013 Last comment:

If you have received an unsolicited phone call or an unwanted SMS message from the phone number 01614083391 you do not know and want to know about it more, maybe you are not the only one. On this page, you can see the comments to the phone number 01614083391 from other people.

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All comments of the number 01614083391

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The caller kept asking the same question over and over - "Did you or someone in your household have a minor car accident within the past 2 years?" I kept telling her I had no idea what she was talking about. She kept insisting that I answer her question and became a little agitated when I kept saying the same thing. I became suspicious and asked where she was calling from. She said something about The Road and Traffic Management Bureau. (Her accent made it hard to understand). I told her to send a letter providing the details of the accident including dates and so on and she became more agitated and abruptly hung up without any indication that the conversation was over.
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