01616014967 United Kingdom

  • 4790 Number of views:
  • 22/10/2024 Last visit:
  • Rating:
    4 - Nuisance
  • 8 Number of comments:
  • 11/02/2014 Last comment:

If you have received an unsolicited phone call or an unwanted SMS message from the phone number 01616014967 you do not know and want to know about it more, maybe you are not the only one. On this page, you can see the comments to the phone number 01616014967 from other people.

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All comments of the number 01616014967

date comment
Called tonight it's spam you can't phone back I registered this at the information commissioners office at www.ICO.org.uk
Unknown Nuisance
I missed two calls from this number and was unable to return the call. Obviously spam
Unknown Nuisance
If they cannot leave names, details etc then it stands to reason that they are hiding! Usually this form of contact is from those selling crap and whose sales pitch is a load of old bullsh*t! Best avoided!!
Unknown Nuisance
Left a blank voicemail when was out of country
Unknown Nuisance
Who the hell this dude or company is? If you call someone, you should be bold enough to speake or pick up your receiver and speak when the person calls back. Otherwise, you are a fraudster and scammer. So, fuck you off and don't call to my phone again.
Unknown Neutral
Same for me, i only get calls from this number while out of the country. Never get the same calls when back in UK.
Unknown Negative
Same for me while out of the country ....blacklisted
Unknown Negative
Who the hell is this number. Somehow they accessed an unlisted and single use number. I can only assume that T mobile have sold the number to this caller as well as to several others as I have received quite a few similar calls in the past 7 days whilst I was out of the country. Absence from home seems to be the only common link to these callers.
Unknown Negative