08451297926 United Kingdom

  • 687 Number of views:
  • 22/10/2024 Last visit:
  • Rating:
    3 - Neutral
  • 1 Number of comments:
  • 06/01/2014 Last comment:

If you have received an unsolicited phone call or an unwanted SMS message from the phone number 08451297926 you do not know and want to know about it more, maybe you are not the only one. On this page, you can see the comments to the phone number 08451297926 from other people.

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All comments of the number 08451297926

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Monday 6th January 2014 11.30 a.m. Just received a call from an Indian sounding lady undertaking to supply a programmed blocking device to connect to my landline at a cost of £1.90 per month (bit of inflation there). Not being a complete moron I stopped dead when the conversation turned to 'which card I was going to use to pay for this, its number and the three numbers on the back'.
Unknown Neutral