012102490540 United Kingdom

  • 6133 Number of views:
  • 22/10/2024 Last visit:
  • Rating:
    4 - Nuisance
  • 6 Number of comments:
  • 23/01/2015 Last comment:

If you have received an unsolicited phone call or an unwanted SMS message from the phone number 012102490540 you do not know and want to know about it more, maybe you are not the only one. On this page, you can see the comments to the phone number 012102490540 from other people.

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All comments of the number 012102490540

date comment
I was called, tried to call back . Busy line. Scammers I think.
Unknown Negative
This number has been calling me all week so I decided to answer today. It was an Asian lady claiming to be from Microsoft telling me I had a virus on my computer and she wanted to talk me through how to fix it. I played along and pretended to boot up my machine while she held on, and held on, and held on while I made a cuppa! Eventually she hung up and rang back again straight away so my husband answered and gave her a mouthful. So annoying!!
Unknown Nuisance
012102490540 Miles Corporate Services, Address: Logan Building, 500 Union St., Seattle, WA 98101, United States of America. We believe this firm has been providing financial services or products in the UK without autherisation.
Unknown Negative
Did not answer, looked up this website - thanks, now glad I didn't answer and will know next time!
Unknown Nuisance
Too many digits for it to be a Birmingham number I believe. Just received a call from this number; it was a recorded message, informing me about a kitchen scrappage scheme. I am registered with the TPS....!!
Telemarketing Nuisance
Unsolicited call to mobile playing recorded message, 'Urgent, regarding PPI compensation...'

Believed to be Miles Corporate Services, an American firm, also subject of warning on FCA's website
Unknown Nuisance