Comment of phone number 02031375041

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The usual call from this fake outfit, who also use 020 7060 9336 and 020 7060 3772 and are selling help with faults on your computer, PPI claims, accident claims, etc.
They are First Call Group / 1 st Call Group / First Call Centre Solutions
220 Flanders Drive, 4300 Mt Edgecombe, Durban, South Africa
Telephone: + 27 (0)31 000 0005, 0836928133, 02070603887
They are is NOT authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) to carry on a regulated activity in the UK. Regulated activities include, amongst other things, advising on investments and dealing and arranging deals in investments (investments include rights under a contract of insurance). The above firm may be targeting and dealing with UK customers.

This has been reported with dates and time to the Action Fraud, the Police, the Information Commisioner and they all say that this use of UK telephone numbers cannot be stopped "unless there is a considerable number of complaints". It has been pointed out that this, anod other sirtes have complaints against them going back up to 4 years, but apparently that isn't enough.

It appears that the only way to get something done is to inundate the Minister for Justice with complaints at and if enough people complain, PERHAPS he will ensure that those with the power will do something.

Telemarketing Negative

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