Comment of phone number +16314432000

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The same number called me last 09-01-2014 at around 10:45 pm and telling me that i am elligible to migrate to australia and i almost believe the guy because i once applied online and i thougth that this would be the one that i am waiting for, he is telling me words of encouragement so many good things and he told me that he needs to know what card am i using mastercard or visacard then when i told him he ask me the first 6 digits number of my card then i told him i cannot give him because of some security reasons and he suddenly got angry and telling i cannot migrate to australia your family will suffer and you will be stuck in this country, then i told him no probs the same also will happen to you and just drop the call... dont give any personal information on your cards and accounts and dont give any money...lastly analyze the call so you will not be a victim of this...
Unknown Neutral

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